Breaking sin-confess cycles

Are you frustrated by returning again and again to the same sins?

We invite you to speak out loud the following declaration, based on Romans 6 and James 4. Instead of depending on your own strength and making rules for yourself to try to keep from sinning, you can enjoy living in the reality of your new identity, Christ in you the hope of glory! (Colossians 1:27).  Speak it out every day as long as it takes.

I declare that I am now a new creation in Christ. I am dead to sin and alive to God. I confess my sins [specifically name any habitual sins] and turn away from them.

I specifically declare that the son of [name any sin, one by one] does not rule me any longer and I renounce its control of me. Jesus, who lives in me through the Holy Spirit, is my loving Master and Ruler and all that I am now belongs to Him.

Thank you, Jesus, that You have made me a saint, a holy one, so I CAN glorify You in my body. Therefore I refuse to offer my body to be used to commit unrighteousness. Instead, I submit all that I am to my Heavenly Father who raised me to life with Christ. I now gladly offer the parts of my body: my heart; eyes, ears; mouth; tongue; hands; feet; sexual organs; mind; undestanding; mental powers; emotions; imagination and reasoning to God, and I choose to use these parts of my body only for righteousness, copletely relying on the power of His Holy Spirit within me to accomplish this.

So I submit myself completely to God and resist the devil who must flee from me now (James 4:7).